Rubber Electric Tape

Rubber electrical tape

Yongle rubber electrical tape provides additional padding and moisture protection for your electrical connectors and terminating cables, up to 69 k.


    Why choose YONGLE Professional Rubber Electrical Tapes?

    Waterproof moisture-proof seal

    Waterproof moisture-proof seal

    1.Rubber tape has moisture-proof properties, making it ideal for outdoor applications
    2.Self-fusing properties provide a waterproof seal
    3.Can be further effectively protected against harsh environments by wrapping with durable PVC electrical tape

    withstand high temperatures

    withstand high temperatures

    1.Rubber tape can withstand high temperatures
    2.Suitable for applications near motors, vents, or high-temperature furnaces
    3.Provides additional insulation and moisture protection for low-voltage applications

    Wraps and protects

    Wraps and protects

    1.Suitable for applications with irregular, rough or sharp edges
    2.For electrical connections that experience sustained high vibration
    3. 4 times the thickness of PVC electrical tape, providing additional mechanical protection for cable connections